The research papers you find here span topics in financial economics, industrial organisation and related areas: financial constraints to investment and innovation, innovation dynamics in entrepreneurial firms, listed private equity, venture capital and buyout fund pricing, efficient capital markets, quantitative methods in accounting and finance.
Stock price synchronicity under fat-tailed stock returns

Fat tails in private equity fund returns: The smooth double Pareto distribution

Estimating the value of an inflation-capped pension from market data

Endogenous financial constraints and innovation
with Andrea Mina Industrial and Corporate Change, 2020, full version available from the journal. Abstract: We investigate which indicators of a firm’s innovation activities are associated with financial constraints and analyze the nature and direction of causal links between innovation and financial constraints. By estimating simultaneous bivariate probit models on data from the UK Innovation … Read MoreEarly indicators of fundraising success by venture capital firms
with Timothy E. Trombley Journal of Corporate Finance 65, full paper available here. Abstract: In this paper, we show how a venture capital firm’s fundraising is affected by its investment choices. We investigate three leading indicators that are calculated from the types of investments the venture capital firms make: style drift investments, follow-on investments, and … Read MoreThe impact of business accelerators and incubators in the UK
BEIS Research Paper Number 2019/009 with Jonathan Bone, Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe and Christopher Haley The fast-developing ecosystem of accelerators and incubators has positive effects on startups and the wider economy. Most startups (over 60%) consider the contribution of the incubator or accelerator they attended to have been significant or even vital to their success. Of startups … Read MoreThe Pecking Order of Innovation Finance
with Andrea Mina; available at SSRN. Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between firms’ innovation activities and the hierarchy of financing behaviours. We analyse the role of innovation inputs (R&D), intermediate outputs (patents) and outcomes (product and process innovations) as sources of information asymmetry in financing decisions. Our focus on mainly unlisted companies allows us to … Read MoreTakeover law to protect shareholders: Increasing efficiency or merely redistributing gains?
Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 43, 2017, Pages 288–315. Accepted manuscript available here.
with Ying Wang
Abstract: We construct a dynamic takeover law index using hand-collected data on legal provisions and empirically examine the effect of takeover regulation to protect shareholders on shareholder wealth for bidders and...Read More
Venture capital investments and the technological performance of portfolio firms
Research Policy, Volume 45, Issue 1, February 2016, Pages 303–318 (Open Access)
with Andrea Mina
Abstract: What is the relationship between venture capitalists’ selection of investment targets and the effects of these investments on the patenting performance of portfolio companies? In this paper, we set out a modelling...Read More
Liquidity, Technological Opportunities, and the Stage Distribution of Venture Capital Investments
Financial Management, Volume 43, Issue 2, pages 291–325, Summer 2014 (Open Access).
with Andrea Mina
Abstract: This paper explores the determinants of the stage distribution of European venture capital investments from 1990 to 2011. Consistent with liquidity risk theory, we find that the likelihood of investing in earlier stages increases relative...Read More
Dynamic financial constraints and innovation: Evidence from the UK innovation surveys
with Andrea Mina
Abstract: Does innovation cause financial constraints? And how do financial constraints affect firm innovation activities? In this paper we address the challenge of separating bi-directional causal effects in the relationship between innovation and financial constraints. Using the longest panel that can to date be derived from the UK...Read More
Signalling, absorptive capacity and the geographic patterns of academic knowledge exchange
with Alan Hughes and Michael Kitson
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the geographic distance in collaborations between academics and external organisations across different knowledge exchange channels. This analysis is based on a unique large sample of UK academics. We ask the following questions. First, how far does academic knowledge, explicit...Read More
Venture capital in Europe
with Andrea Mina
Abstract:Venture capital has been identified as a key enabler of growth in modern knowledge-based economies and has figured prominently in the European innovation policy debate. Its challenges remain, however, substantial. Firstly, private equity markets are still very unevenly developed across the European region. Secondly, they are...Read More
The Demand and Supply of External Finance for Innovative Firms
Industrial and Corporate Change (2013) 22 (4): 869-901 (Open Access)
with Andrea Mina and Alan Hughes
Abstract: Access to finance has figured prominently in the debate on barriers to firm growth, even though existing empirical research has not found conclusive evidence of a ‘finance gap’. Moreover, it is not clear...Read More
An Improved Test for Earnings Management Using Kernel Density Estimation
European Accounting Review, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 559-591.
Abstract: The methods proposed by Burgstahler and Dichev (1997) and Bollen and Pool (2009) to test for earnings management have been used extensively in the literature. This paper proposes a more general test procedure based on kernel density...Read More
Net Asset Value Discounts in Listed Private Equity Funds
with Christoph Kaserer
Abstract: This paper investigates determinants and consequences of net asset value discounts in listed private equity funds. Listed private equity funds share characteristics of closed-end mutual funds and traditional unlisted private equity funds and can therefore offer insights into both. Our results have particular relevance to the...Read More
The Time-Varying Risk of Listed Private Equity
Journal of Financial Transformation, Vol. 28, pp. 87-93, 2010
with Christoph Kaserer, Valentin Liebhart, Alfred Mettler
Abstract: Structure and stability of private equity market risk are still nearly unknown, since market prices are mostly unobservable for this asset class. This paper aims to fill this gap by analyzing market risks...Read More
Organizational Forms and Risk in Listed Private Equity
The Journal of Private Equity, Vol. 13, 89-99, Winter 2009
with Florian Herschke
Abstract: This paper investigates the stock performance of listed private equity vehicles which are grouped into subsamples according to their organizational structure. We identify 274 liquid listed private equity entities in the period from 1986 to 2008....Read More
Uncertain Private Benefits and the Decision to Go Public
with Olaf Ehrhardt
Abstract: This paper focuses on the decision to go public when both seller and potential buyers have private benefits of control. The basic model by Zingales (1995) is extended to account for uncertainty of private benefits. This leads to new implications for the sales process, ownership structure,...Read More